Thursday, May 10, 2012

Dearest Oliver,

Please don't decide that now is your time... It is too early for you my dear. 25 weeks is no time for a baby to be born into this world. Yesterday morning as I was driving to work I started having pains that didn't feel right, considering you're still in there and it's no where near 36 weeks when you're allowed to think about entering this world. As the contractions in my stomach grew, I called my doctor and after a few hours I headed to the hospital to be poked and prodded. I was so worried when they started doing pre-term labor tests - the thought hadn't even crossed my mind really - while in pain it wasn't very strong, not very persistent.. just there. I think that was the first moment I was really aware of the whole situation in a very sudden and interesting way. Obviously your father and I decided to have you, we've gone to all the visits and had all the tests to make sure you're as healthy as possible. But here I was, and hooked up to these monitors and there were the contractions, and there was your heart beat and I prayed, "Dear God, not yet, not yet. He's too little, not yet." And they said everything was good and no signs of labor and they tested me and it was just an infection. Funny thing, pregnancy, that an infection can make contractions happen. Multiple infections / prolonged infections can cause labor to happen from the sheer force of the contractions they produce. It makes no sense to me, just one of those bodily functions that occurs. So, my son, it was not your time yesterday, do not let it be your time in the near future. You're "full term" July 27th and that is the earliest I want to feel these twinges in my abdomen again. I hope you wait until you're really full term. August 24th. I'll be ready... as ready as I'll ever be, for you then. August 24th, you hear me young man? See you then.

