Thursday, February 21, 2013

Dearest Oliver,

Today marks the sixth month anniversary of your birth. It is unbelievable how quickly time turns the page. You went from a tiny quiet bundle to arms and legs and feet and so. much. noise. Good noise though. Talking, babbling - laughter. So much laughter! It's something spectacular to wake up in the morning and say hello to you and have you giggle in response. You've accomplished so, so many things in just these past few weeks. Crawling...just a tiny, tiny bit... and standing on your own...well you went from sitting on my leg so it wasn't totally on your own, but still! You find bath time entertaining I think, instead of dreadful. You've eaten so much rice cereal - and have started venturing out into other foods as well, though you seem to be hesitant to new flavors, but I suppose I would be too if everything I'd eaten my whole life was paste and someone threw a banana at me!

I can't even believe you are mine some times. The fact that I brought you into the world is such an amazing thing. You become more and more solidified in your humanity every day.

It's curious to me, how you interact with the world. Sometimes you are shameless, grinning and talking to whoever will listen - like our server at an Indian restaurant the other night that had me jealous by how captivated you were with him. Other times you are my bashful baby and will grin and hide your face when approached by a stranger. Both bring delight and adoration from all those around you.

It must be hard, being so little, though I suppose you don't know anything else. Every food you try is a new one, you can't communicate effectively, your body in its very nature is against you. Constantly growing at rapid rates, teeth bursting through your gums, such a sensitive stomach. You seem to be handling the punches rather well. You had a bit of a stomach bug the past few days and while it would have made me a grouch you were still all smiles. I can't get enough of that smile! I hope that as you become a toddler, a gradeschooler, a teenager and beyond that you continue to smile and laugh with as much carelessness and abandon as you do now. Laughter truly is medicine for the soul and I believe, through your laughter, you might just be over dosing mine.

On this day, as on all days, I love you my monkey, my Ol.

