Thursday, September 19, 2013

Dearest Oliver,

You are almost 13 months old now. I get inspired to write to you at the most random of times, and so there's been a bit of a gap in posting (I wanted to do something for your birthday). You still aren't walking yet, which has me somewhat concerned as you should be at least trying to by now. Though you were slow to sit and once you trusted yourself you blossomed rather quickly, so I am hoping the same thing happens with walking. You have taken your first step though, at your baby sitter Meaghan's it doesn't count, right? I feel so bad for having missed such a milestone in your life, however one off. You still lack the confidence to stand on your own, though you have all the skills. Once you feel sure in that, I'm sure walking will be quick to follow.

Currently your vocabulary is expanding, and you're up to saying: da, ma, good, yeah, yes, this, & that. Often times this is accompanied by you pointing or reaching towards something as well. So amazing to see all your gears at work.

You've figured out how phones work, and have a play one you hold up to your head and we pass it back and forth. If I say "hello" in a sing-songy voice you'll put whatever toy you have up to your head as well - which is pretty much the most adorable thing I've ever seen (you did this last night with a toy cat).

Right now my favorite book to read to you is "Llama Llama Red Pajama", and you have started getting into the story - pointing at the book, making talking noises and reacting to the story. I love it, and I'm sure we'll keep reading it over and over in the future.

Your first birthday was a pretty good success. We had all the family over, and made a big batch of peach dumplings (turns out though you don't like peaches!). Your aunt Niki made you a big minion smash cake (from the movie Despicable Me), and lots of minion cupcakes for everyone else. You got lots of clothes, a few toys, and some household things (like baby monitors, high chair, etc). Though your favorite thing was a balloon I picked up at the Dollar Store. Figures, of course. You were very skeptical of your cake at first, and I had to help you get into it, but once you did you had a mess in no time.

It seems like your dad is getting better adjusted to you now, and will pick you up and play with you. He told you 'no' and you started crying and it hurt his feelings. I think he's going to end up being a softy - even if only in private.

I guess that's about it for now, you're learning and growing and changing more and more every day. I can't wait to see what the next year holds.