Friday, May 30, 2014

Dearest Oliver,

What a rambunctious toddler you've grown into! As worried as I was about you walking,you definitely proved that was unfounded as you currently run around full of energy. You love being outside, and anything that is related to that - splashing in puddles, throwing rocks, and playing with trucks and balls.

I just about melted the first time you crawled up on my lap and gave me a hug and a kiss - without me even asking! It's amazing to think about how far you've come and imagine how far you're going to go. My, how I love you. There's something so innocent and amazed in your gaze as you learn all about the world. You love your dad and sitting in cars with him, or walking to check the mail while holding his hand. He's sure grown to liking you quite a bit as well. I love walking a beat behind the two of you when you're walking, or catching you two cuddling on the bed watching a movie. There are so many things I know he can't wait to show to you, and share with you as you grow.

While your favorite thing is going outside (you grab everyone's shoes for them and yell at people to take you to the park), you're also very much into Frozen. Which, I'm sure is something you'll remember as it's a pretty big movie that doesn't seem to be going anywhere. You also like watching Little Bear, and anything you can convince your dad or I to put on so you can avoid going to bed.

Speaking of which, last week we plopped a mattress in place of your crib, and you didn't miss a beat. So proud of you for that! You've been so easy on all transitions, bottle to sippy, formula to milk, etc. Now, if only I could get you to eat vegetables...

You've also grown up quite socially as well. Genevieve is your best friend and pretty much like a sister, and you adopted all her friends and their siblings as well - which has led to a pretty busy birthday schedule the past couple of weeks. It's been awesome to see you doing the crafts there, painting, coloring, and jumping around. While I'm realistic in knowing that you probably won't, you and G seem like life-long friends and siblings at the moment. When you hug each other good-bye at the end of the day, she tells you how much she's going to miss you - even if you're coming back the next morning.

Darling Ollie, thank you for being such a sweet boy - even if you've got a bit of a temper or mean streak that pokes its head from time to time - you've been a joy thus far, I hope that we can keep that up through your "terrible twos". I wish you all the world, and am doing what I can to make sure you get it.

Love you!
