Thursday, August 20, 2015

Dearest Oliver,

You know, the terrible twos weren't all that bad. Tomorrow is your third birthday; on to bigger and better things! You're as sweet and precocious a son as anyone could ever hope for. We just bought a home with dad's friend Patrick. I'm not too thrilled about it, but you get your own room for a change at least! I am excited to watch you grow into it over the next couple of years. You continue to amaze me at your depth of knowledge and your tender heart, at your capacity for memory. As an adult, I remember very little of my youth. Perhaps on purpose, but I can't help to wonder how much fades with age.You'll bring up things that happened a year or more ago with perfect clarity, which is impressive given that's a third of your life. Your grasp on language is amazing, and I am often blown away when I talk to kids that are three or four and realize just how advanced you are.

Your favorite things of late are chocolate animal crackers and strawberry milk. Still not potty trained, though we're definitely trying again once we get settled back into a normal routine.

You're still in love with your grandparents and going over to their house. In fact, I asked you what you wanted for your birthday and you said to spend the night at grandmas. You help water the plants with grandpa, and clear out weeds and rocks from the lawn.

You love to watch Dinosaur Train, Dora the Explorer, Bubble Guppies, and the Magic School Bus. When I ask you your best friend is, you always say me, but I know it's G. You guys continue to grow as friends and like brother & sister.

I crack up each time you say one of your phrases of late. "you know" and "well...." Like, "mom, tractors move dirt you know." or "well, I'm going to have ice cream for dinner" So factual, no matter how off base.

While we work on getting your room painted, you've spent the last couple nights sleeping in bed with dad and I. I love those small sweet moments and cuddles. I know there will come a point sweet boy, where you no longer give freely of your affections. For now, I'll take them all in and cherish every one. Happy birthday Ol.
