Sunday, April 8, 2012

Dearest Oliver,

You are twenty weeks and two days old today. Although, I guess in our way of counting, you're still at negative 19 weeks and five days. . . if we want to be exact. As I write this, you must be dancing, or practicing your martial arts - jabbing me as fiercely as I'm sure you can manage. You're growing wonderfully, and I'm so happy that we know you're going to be a beautiful baby boy. It felt so weird calling you "it" or "the baby" all the time. It's lovely to know you just a bit better, since I know your name. Oliver Alexander Addison. Sounds lovely to me. If I had it my way from the start, you'd have been named Nikolai - but your father was absolutely against that. However, Oliver seems so perfect for you, I can't imagine you being named anything else.

Oliver means peace. I like to think it means bringer of peace - that you will inspire everyone you meet to be rational, calm...peaceful.The Olive tree, after which your name derives it's origins is also a symbol of fruitfulness, beauty, and dignity. Your name originally made it to our lists because of Oliver Queen - the Green Arrow.

Alexander is the defender of mankind, a warrior of greatness. My brother's name, your uncle through birth - your cousin through paperwork & standing. I hope you get to meet him some day. I'm sure you'll learn as you grow older, our family is a bit complicated...

Then of course, is Addison. The name given to you most pertinently by your father. Meaning son of Adam. Though, we are all sons of Adam and daughters of Eve when you get right down to it, are we not?

So, dearest Oliver - you are destined to be a peaceful defender of mankind - beautiful and dignified. You, a son of Adam, yes... but perhaps more relevantly a son of Stephanie and Johnathan Addison. We await your arrival into this world with great hope. Excited and terrified for the new adventure you will bring to us.

Today, besides being your father's 27th birthday, is also Easter. A day in which we celebrate the promise of eternal life, birth, new beginnings, and spring. While it's next year you'll officially celebrate your official first of this holiday - I have the pleasure of being the first one ever to wish you, my son, a very happy Easter. I pray you will know my love, and God's love, now though you are not quite fully formed.

All my love on this day and always,


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