Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Dearest Oliver,

At just over 10 months old you are keeping me so busy I haven't had the chance to write to you! You are constantly on the move, exploring your environment and everything in it. You're a giggly, babbly, bundle of energy and it's hard to get you to sit still for a second. I will probably tell you something different when you ask growing up what your first word was, because it was "yeah". Clearly identifiable and with recognition, "yeah". I suppose your dad and I said "Oh yeah?" to your incoherent (to us) babbling too many times. You also now occasionally say "dada" and every once in a great while I can get you to utter a "mama". Pretty much though, as far as recognizable speech from you goes, it's all "yeah"s or "good"s.

You cut a new tooth recently, which brings you to seven now! I don't know how such a simple thing means so much, but it's like each time one pops through I realize you're a little bit older, a little bit closer to becoming a toddler, and a little further away from being my baby. Though, I suppose you'll always be that.

With all those teeth you're working on eating solid foods, and have started taking an interest in feeding yourself. You love your little puff snacks, and seemed to thoroughly enjoy your first taste of eggs yesterday! You are a champion eater, and have only really turned away from one food thus far, ham lunch meat. I think because it is so salty on its own. Other than that you have no issue plowing through any fruit, veggie, or protein I've thrown at you. Which is a good thing! I hope you carry on that same easy adventurism through your adult culinary experiences.

Your personality is starting to really shine through, so it should be a fun ride these next seventeen years or so! You are strong willed, stubborn, and you laugh when I tell you "no". I hope that is one you grow out of sooner rather than later. Your grandmother says you're just like me when I was little, and apparently I was quite the hellion when I set my mind to it. I guess it's my just desserts then, part of the circle of life.

I lost my job a few weeks ago and I have enjoyed getting to be your mom all day, every day. I am going to work even harder to make sure that when I do go back to work, it is to work towards something. To being your mom full-time. I can't imagine a more rewarding or challenging job. You pull my hair, you hit me in the face, and I'm pretty sure I'm your favorite jungle gym. But you're also sweet, and cuddly sometimes, and that beautiful smile on your face when you see me each morning makes it all worth it. You might be a  handful, but you're my handful, and that makes it all okay.

I love you kiddo,


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