Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Dearest Oliver,

Your smiles and laughter are the bright spot in an otherwise dark December. The Christmas lights are all aglow and I can't help but feel that holiday spirit washing over me with your excited proclamations. "Christmas lights!" You're enjoying the holidays as only a child can, wide eyed, excited, not quite sure what each day holds. We've watched the same Mickey Mouse specials over and over per your request, though I must admit I'm a bit disheartened you don't take more interest in the old classics like Rudolph and Frosty the Snowman. Oh well, it is Christmas and it is cheer. This year we are doing a Mickey Mouse advent calendar, "Mickey chocolate" as you say. I'm not sure you quite understand the count-down, but we are getting close here on the 23rd of December. This year was pretty rough on us, but I am so excited to see your face Christmas morning as you look upon your new toys and playthings. Your grandma has been spending the day with you, decorating gingerbread things and cookies. You've grown to love her, your grandpa, and Lukas and Dakota so much. You ask to go their house nearly every day, and it is always a chore to get you to leave. I cannot blame you I suppose, as I often sought the company and freedom their house allows as well.

Each day holds new wonders, new things to learn for you, and you soak it all up with delight. You blew my mind the other night that you knew what a trumpet was; I have no idea where you learn all that you do. I eagerly await the days we can speak candidly and completely with one other, make traditions that you want to do, and get your perspective on all this yuletide glee. Currently, we eat ice-cream after decorating the tree, and watch Nightmare Before Christmas on the 23rd (so tonight, as I write this). I wonder if these traditions will stick, and look forward to the new ones we create. We haven't decided yet whether or not to give in to popular custom with the Santa Claus lie, and I'm sure whichever way we go on that topic will greatly impact your Christmases to come. It is a torn subject, though the only 'upside' is that everyone else does it so it'd kind of be weird not to... That and some adorable photo opportunities. Though I suppose you can still have those. I mean, people still take photos with things that aren't necessarily real, right?

I want only the best in life for you, my son, and I hope that your memories of youthful holidays are as warm and as bright as can be.



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