Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Dearest Oliver,

All the research says my heartburn is supposed to lesson when you're ready to arrive, I guess you didn't get the memo. Never mind that, you're getting close to joining us in this crazy world of ours. Every twinge I feel gets me nervous and excited that you're on your way. I'm doing a lot of research lately making sure I know exactly how I want things to go on your big day. Of course, life rarely gives us what we want and it seems like even less if we plan for it, but hey - that's what makes it interesting. Your dad and I are getting a little crazy with all the baby talk I think, it's been nice to just take a walk or cuddle without the world asking about all the symptoms and time frames. Everything is a countdown, every look is a summing up. I just want to meet you! I'm so curious as to who you'll look more like, what your attitude will be, what kind of little boy you'll become (please be the sweet kind). The waiting is starting to kill me! I'm terrified the more research I do of bringing you into the world, the actual physical process of labor, but on the other hand my desire to know you is so strong I'm keeping all the old wive's tales in my mind for getting you here sooner. Your due date is in 16 days, so I'll meet you soon enough. I have a feeling those are going to be the longest 16 days I've experienced thus far. Who knows, maybe it'll only be a few more hours. Come whenever you're ready love, we'll be waiting with open arms.



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