Sunday, October 21, 2012

Dearest Oliver,

You are two months old today! Time is going by so quickly I can start to really know what parents say when they tell me to hold on to each moment. You're growing so big these days, and can hold your head up for extended periods of time. You love to kick and stretch your legs and have started grinning and cooing with more frequency. You have also become pretty attached to me and have trouble falling asleep unless you're being held. Whereas your first month you only cried when you were hungry or needed a diaper change you're now crying for attention. I love to cuddle you, so I don't mind too much - only when I want to sleep.

Your grandma watched you for the first time two days ago and boy did you take advantage of that. She fed you twice as much as you normally eat and you had a whole bag of soiled clothes as evidence when I came to pick you up. I think she still enjoyed it though.

Your dad has started to play with you a little bit, grabbing your hands or feet and talking to you more. He's still not comfortable enough to hold you, but I hope that he'll be there soon.

I'm taking it each day at a time, working to try and get caught up on bills. I can't wait until I'm able to reduce my work hours and spend more time with you.

I love you Ol, my tiny little monkey.


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